2025 Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held at St. Andrews Church, 110 Mill St.,


Monday January 20

Speaker: Dan Guenther, Wild Birds Unlimited

Tips and Tricks of Backyard Feeding – How to make your yard a haven for the



1. Design – “Winter Wonderland” – your choice

2. A Horticultural Christmas Gift - named.

3. Collection of Seed Pkgs. and/or pictures of plants you hope to try in 2025

4. Horticultural Show Off.

Monday February 10

Speaker: Bonnie Moore, Woodland North Lavender Farm

Uses, varieties, how to use Lavender for teas, baking and more!


1. Design – “Love is in the Air” – your choice

2. A Breath-taking Houseplant - named

3. “Pruning is Good” – an arrangement (not necessarily a design) using twigs

from pruning.

4. Horticultural Show Off.

Monday March 17

Speaker: Gary Westlake

Garden Art for Cheapskates!


1. Design - “March Winds” – your choice

2. “My Houseplant Has Babies” - named

3. “Thinking of Spring” – a vase of twigs showing signs of spring – same or


4. Horticultural Show Off

Monday April 21

Speaker: Christene Gilbey, Sun Workshipper Succulents

Description TBA, but the topic will definitely be succulents!


1. Design – “April Showers” – your choice

2. A container of seedlings - named

3. Early spring flowers - named

4. Horticultural Show Off.

Monday May 12

Speaker: Aptie Sookoo, Public Health Inspector

Tick identification, habitats and control methods, Symptoms of Lyne Disease and



1. Design: “Hallelujah It’s Spring” – your choice

2. Vase of mixed daffodils

3. “Rhubarb Delight” – and edible entry with recipe included

4. Horticultural Show Off.

Monday June 16

Potluck Dinner – details to come

(No mini-show at this meeting)

Monday September 15

Speaker TBA


1. “Autumn Arrangement” for a large coffee table. All materials must be home

grown. Accessories permitted.

2. Collection of Garden Vegetables from your garden – named

3. Vase of Dahlias – named if possible

4. Horticultural Show Off.

Monday October 20

Speaker TBA


1. Design – “It’s Pumpkin Time” – your choice

2. Collection of Seeds saved for 2026 – named

3. One Homegrown Pumpkin or Ornamental Gourd or any other Squash -


4. Horticultural Show Off

Monday November 17

Our Annual General Meeting and Christmas Dinner

Details TBA

December – No meeting

Wishing everyone a magical holiday season!

Thank you to our generous local individuals, organizations and businesses. You help us to continue our efforts in beautifying our community.


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